5 Top Tips for Spring Cleaning and Maintenance

A change in season offers a chance to turn over a new leaf. With the winter long gone, spring gives us the opportunity to take stock of any bad weather or damage over the past few months and ensure that our clients’ luxury properties look just as they should.

At Mister Peele, we use our state-of-the-art services to ensure that planned maintenance is handled at key times throughout the year. We can confirm how regularly a client’s luxury property is maintained, record the budget spent on each activity and provide a full report at the end of it. Some key areas to keep in mind include: 

1. Check the air conditioning

It’s easy to forget to check on air conditioning units when they’re out of use in the winter. However, it’s important to ensure that they are properly maintained so the house is kept nice and cool during the upcoming summer months. Our expert property managers can check air filters, clean vents, and ensure that all systems are in full working order.

2. Maintain swimming pools  

Outdoor pools might have been neglected in recent months, but now is the time to pull back the covers and check all the systems. At Mister Peele, we have access to the best pool-maintenance professionals in the business to ensure that swimming pools are regularly maintained to the correct chlorine levels, filters are cleaned and pumps are checked – so you can spend more time enjoying it.

3. Tidy the garden

With a new season and more time spent outside, spring is the perfect time to update and maintain gardens and outdoor spaces – and address problems before they get out of hand. Not only does maintaining these areas provide aesthetic benefits, it also helps to avoid damage to the property if any issues go unchecked. For example, gardens, patios and driveways can overrun with weeds, causing cracks and blocking up drainage systems. We can ensure that large outside spaces or luxury landscape gardening is expertly managed.

4. Clear the guttering

Winter can often leave debris in gutters. Spring provides a good opportunity to clean and check gutters to make sure they’re in good working order. They might need some maintenance work such as repairs, reattachment to stop leaks and testing to ensure they are draining properly. At Mister Peele, we can plan regular gutter checks at key times of the year to ensure these issues are resolved.

5. Inspect the roof and structure

Now that the storms have passed, it’s always important to check that the winter winds haven’t damaged the property. Our luxury property managers can check for any cracks and leaks, as well as help replace any missing tiles. Roof inspections are also invaluable to ensure that there’s no damp, sagging or general damage.

To find out more about our luxury property management services, please get in touch with Bryan Peele at: bryan@misterpeele.com

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