How To Get Your Luxury Home Ready For Spring

Spring is a beautiful time of the year. The weather is mild, the sun is shining brighter and the flowers are in bloom. Everything looks stunning and it’s important your home does too. That’s where we can help.

If you’re planning a spring refresh, we know that large luxurious spaces can take a lot of work. There might be antique furniture that needs specialist attention or pools and saunas that need proper maintenance. We’re on hand to provide an efficient and professional service to complete any preventative maintenance so you can reach the summer without a hitch. Here are six ways we can help:

1. Deep clean the kitchen

Everyone knows that the kitchen is the social hub of any house. No matter if you have a sparkling lounge or a decadent dining room, people always gravitate towards the kitchen. So, it’s a good idea to take some time out to give it a thorough clean before the summer entertaining gets underway. We can check all appliances are working correctly, help clean out cupboards and also provide any useful DIY to fix things that are looking a little tired.

2. Declutter your dressing room

Everyone knows that the switch from a winter closet to a summer closet can take some time, which is why we want to make it easy. Whether you have a walk-in closet or a dressing room, we can help with your annual refresh to make sure you’re happy with the quality of your clothes and also make sure you’re not hoarding items that could be put to better use. We can also find suitable specialists to repair luxury items like handbags and jewellery, as well as help organize everything so it looks super enticing for your next occasion.

3. Tidy the garden

After cold winter weather, spring is a brilliant time to plant new bulbs and prepare your garden for the warmer climate. Alongside making a garden look beautiful through expert landscaping we can also provide preventative maintenance work like clearing gutters, checking the roof or repainting.

4. Pool and spa maintenance

Anyone with a luxury property knows the time and effort it takes to make swimming pools look their best. We can provide regular service checks across pools, Jacuzzis, saunas and other spa equipment to take the stress away from you and ensure that technical equipment is properly maintained.

5. Update your air conditioning

Beat the rush when it gets too hot and think about a maintenance check on your air conditioners this spring. We can check the filters, coils, and fins are properly working through regular maintenance, so you can stay cool on those warmer days. 

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